Print production for the Not For Tourists Guide (NFT) 2007 and 2008 series, which included New York, Brooklyn, Queens, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle. Refined the layout and built new InDesign book documents with updated and streamlined Paragraph, Character, and Object Style libraries and edited map illustrations. Also reorganized and cleaned up artwork layers and created standard templates for a faster and more streamlined process, cutting production time in half. Proofread, preflighted, and collected files for press production. Maintained communication with print vendor in China to aid in successful production and delivery.

Designed the NFT Wallet Map for New York City, On one side, 159 favorited locations by local New Yorkers listed with an Address Locator. On the other side the MTA bus and subway maps are shown. The map conveniently folds down to fit into a credit card slot in your wallet.